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Warum ich Dich liebe

Warum ich Dich liebe

News » Warum ich Dich liebe

Warum ich Dich liebe

Published in time for Valentine's Day by Hoffmann&Campe in Hamburg, Germany, "Warum ich dich liebe" (Why I love you) is a gift book for lovers of all ages.

Having had a very open brief and minimal text to work with, this book gave me the opportunity to explore more collages, and the combination of painting and photography. During the making of it, I was getting worried how the different style approaches would sit next to each other, but having seen the published book now, it seems that the pictures all work quite well together. I discovered and enjoyed a different way of picture making, which hopefully will continue to influence my future work.
Click here for a few sample pages....

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© Henning Löhlein 2023 | Website: Katja Durrani and Ed Osborn